Articles Directory
Articles Directory
Welcome to Salina Articles Directory.
We are provide servis with seo friendly text articles, where from each article you can take one-way backlink to your website which are pleaced in article, not in footers,
forums or somenthing like this.
Also for make a very strong link, you can push few links from other websites to your article.
Our website have seo friendly structure, with natural name of sushockandblog.combsites and just this add more power for links. Did You seen sites like bellow:
Yes, you seen, because is a lots of them into internet, but rank of them is always lower.
If You want have Your website on a high position in search engine,
You need a good one way text backlinks from a good websites.
One website just you read now:), we have now a PR3 of home page and a lots of backlinks and still come more, we hoppe will take PR5 with next page rank update.
Its means each text link from this articles directory will be have a more power.
So, dont waste more time,
just write article and take quality one way text link to your website.
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Pluses of articles here.
- Permanent submit, just one time 1$ symbolic fee.
- Each Article have one subpage with easy link, you can use it for make uplinks.
- Individual choice Titile and Keywords of your article.
- One way text backlink from each article for your website.
- Rank of our website still improve – more power for your link.
- We dont accept spam here, moderator keep website clean and tidy.
- If you cant find your category here, we can added it for you.