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Website Components / Free Web Guestbooks
If you are owner of blog or website, the very good idea is make guestbook, where guests of your website can leave instant messages there, say what thing about your web page. If you cant write php guestbook, into internet are a lot of web pages where can make free guestbook, only what you need its put just short code (link) to own guestbook. Now a lot of spamers fill guestbooks with own links, so you need make free html guestbook whitch have good anty spam protection. If you are good in php and know mysql database, can write guest book myself, but we recomended take ready guest book from good provider with out fee, because if you not protect propely your guestbook, every day will come spam messages. Also good idea is put on website hit counter or web page counter, this is also easy because you can take free hit counter, you do not must pay. This is good thing – you will be know how many people visit your website or blog. Do you know what is Google Page Rank ? If yes, just easy can check page rank of own page also for free.